Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mad City Chickens

IC Friends of Urban Chickens and Cedar Rapids Chicken Chat groups are bringing the independent film Mad City Chickens to our cities this June. We're really excited that the film makers will be present at each public screening for an educational Q&A session immediately following the film. I love the idea of community coming together and having a forum available for those who have questions and concerns regarding raising chickens in town. I'd like to say that I could answer all of those questions but the truth is that I'm just a novice myself and everything I've learned has been from research, not actual experience.
Witness if you will Gallus Domesticus…the backyard chicken. A mere few pounds of feather, bone, and muscle; a creature regarded by many as a rather humorous, though not so intelligent agent of food production.
And yet make note of a most singular phenomenon now taking shape across suburb and city. From backyard eggs to the family’s new favorite pet, the urban chicken is forging a fresh place in the pecking order of human importance.
Mad City Chickens deftly weaves multiple stories and contextual issues on city chickens and their keepers in a non-linear fashion that one rarely sees in a documentary. From leading experts to urban newbies, experience the humor and heart of what’s fast becoming an international backyard chicken movement.
Iowa City Screening
Mad City Chickens
Saturday, June 27, 2009
2 p.m screening with film maker Q&A to follow
Robert A Lee Recreation Center
220 S Gilbert St Iowa City (downtown)
Cedar Rapids Screening
Mad City ChickensSunday, June 28, 2009
2 p.m. screening with film maker Q&A to follow
Indian Creek Nature Center
6665 Otis Road S.E. 52403
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
For more information about efforts in Cedar Rapids email greenat50@yahoo.com or join Yahoo Group Cedar Rapids Chicken Chat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is quite interesteing. I remember having chickens when I was a child. Hi, I'm Jenifer. saw that you have some of my same interests. I am an Herbalist, wife of one,mother of 7, lover of God! I am needing some help getting out the word about my web site and blog page since I work from home and raise 7 children I chose to try doing it through Blogspot. If you can help by linking to my pages or copy and pasting some of my articles that you like I would greatly appreciate it. God Bless! Thanks! http://garlicmom.blogspot.com and/or www.mynsp.com/jeniferharrod